Friday, February 10, 2017

Clarity in the Marketplace

By: Jen Mylett

In the marketplace, you need to define your message to your customers. Ask yourself. . . is your message clear?

When it comes to marketing, it is essential to maintain clarity!  Your marketing messages need to clearly state what you’re trying to promote, the message you are trying to get across, what the pros of what you offer are, and why potential clients should do business with you.

Some are more apt to lacking clarity than others. For instance, most small or independent businesses have difficulty with getting their point across efficiently. If there is nothing that’s motivating a customer to engage with a company be it on their website or even in the store, odds are those customers will be uninterested and leave! Because of this, potential sales and enquiries are diminished.

When lesser known companies create websites for their goods or services, most times (not all) the wording on the homepage rarely gives you the main information you want to see. Instead, you will most times just read a nice welcome message and a long, boring mission statement saying what the what to accomplish. Some websites don’t understand how to keep it simple. So when there is nothing for the visitor to interact with, there’s nothing to motivate them to further inform themselves.

To build your marketing message, you need to be able to be flexible and willing to change. Take your existing marketing strategies, your website, your flyers, emails, etc. and edit them to more clearly explain what your business does, how it will benefit the customer or reader, and why they need to buy the good or service off of you as soon as possible.

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